If you have come to this page you may be seeking help for yourself, your spouse, or another loved one. So, first of all we want to commend you for seeking that help. The sin of pornography can carry with it great shame, and many people find it difficult to come forward. On this page you will find resources, links to helpful websites, and the answers to some of the questions you might be holding in your hearts. I pray that this might be "the first step" toward freedom for you and your loved ones.
If you are asking this question, that might be the first indication that you need help. However, it is confusing to determine the difference between a simple moral failing, an addiction, or a compulsive disorder. Generally speaking, if you are unable to attain 90 days of freedom at a time, something needs to change. Pornography use, coupled with masturbation, changes the chemical make up of the brain and it can take up to 100 days for the brain to heal from the changes that have taken place.
In the following video Gary Wilson speaks about the addictiveness of internet pornography. You can find more of his videos at
online assesment tool
If you are wondering if you really need help, you can take this easy
online assessment. The assessment is based on 7 different levels which range from someone who might look at rated R movies once in a while, to someone who is compulsively acting out in dangerous ways. For an explanation of the seven levels watch the video in the bottom left corner of the website.